Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Trash Days

I've always considered sorting the trash a big deal when I was living in Germany.  Each city has a different way to sort the recyclables but everything is well organized and but at least you know how to get rid of your trash.  In the States, you aren't even required to recycle and everyone has huge bins to throw the trash and once a week it is picked up.  But here in Tainan, garbage pick-up is at 9pm pretty much every day of the week!  There is a truck that drives by playing a melody and as soon as you hear it, you get your trash, make your way down the elevator and this little old lady is standing there with a shopping cart ready to take your garbage (or recycling, whichever day it happens to be).  Ummm...I must have been like a minute late going down the elevator and the lady was gone!  Ugh!  That's two days in a row.  Now I'll have two small bags of garbage sitting in our foyer.  Should I just stand outside with my trash around 8:55 and wait for the lady?

And for your entertainment, here is the Garbage Truck Melody in Taiwan.

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