Wednesday, November 17, 2010

There is so much going on in Tainan in the evenings.  As I walk around during the day, many stores are closed and people are cleaning and organizing for the evening.  The city definitely is vibrant and comes alive at night.

Tuesday night we went to our first night market!  Too cool!  There were so many different people cooking and selling things.  There were socks and hats and a little bit of everything in between.  Fruits, veggies, and meats and other things I couldn't identify.  I smelled stinky tofu for the first time--BLAH!  I did try chicken feet too.  Just one.  It was chewy and didn't taste like much (not even like chicken!).  We would like to invited one of Aaron's coworkers to one of the night markets with us, so he/she can tell us about the different foods.  And maybe get us a better deal on some of the clothes.  We've heard you can bargain the price down, but because we're Americans, we will usually get the 'American price' for things.  I'm looking for a holder for my iTouch, so maybe that's the goal for the next night market. 

 Last night stumbled upon a different night market.  We started walking through and I saw chickens caged along this wall.  The next thing I see is someone butchering the chicken!  AAHH!  Blood, guts, and feathers everywhere!  Then there were seafood bits and fish heads everywhere.  I feel I'm so far removed from the food I eat in America.  I just go to Kroger and buy a pound of chicken and think nothing of it.  But here, you see the slimy scales of the fish before they are cooked...or they are just eaten raw.  Fish heads!  What the heck do you do with the fish heads?!

Hmmm...what's for dinner tonight?  Maybe there is another night market close by--no slaughter houses though, please!

1 comment:

  1. I just love the pictures of the food. I enlarge them and try to guess what it is, probably like you do too. Of course, there's no guessing with the squid. I definitely would pass on that, but who knows, when in Rome...
    And how different can chicken feet be from chicken wings? Is Aaron being adventurous with the food?
