Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Royal engagement

 I understand this blog is about my adventures here in Taiwan, but I just can't get over the fact that Prince William and Kate Middleton are engaged!  I just think they are too cute!  She's so pretty and seems very down to earth.

I love the fact that William gave her his mother's engagement ring too!  Isn't it gorgeous?!  (I like her dress too, btw!)

Oooh...and I can't wait to hear about all the wedding details!  I bet she is going to have an outrageous dress!  :)


  1. beautiful sentiment that she received his mother's ring, but her bling is no where near as pretty as the bling you've received in the last year! Will she look as pretty in her wedding dress as you did in yours? I think not!

  2. I do love my ring bling, that's for sure! You're so sweet, I love you!
