Friday, November 5, 2010

We'll be back soon...

Driving to Buffalo was exhausting! 4 meowing cats + 8 hours in a car = headache and exhaustion. The first 1.5 hours was awful. Poor Aiden made a mess in his carrier so we pulled over and cleaned him up and wrapped him in a blanket and he slept on my lap the rest of the trip. He had some excessive drooling issues but he's doing better!

This evening we brought Aiden and Connor to the nice couple who is taking care of them while we are in Taiwan. They just put their kitty down so they are very happy to welcome two cats into their home. Surprisingly Connor was out and about in their house! He is such a brave special needs kitty! We didn't see much of Aiden but I'm sure he's doing fine. He just loves people and he will warm up to the couple soon. There were definitely some tears shed as I left, but I know they will be fine...

Tomorrow morning we are meeting at Chrissy's for brunch prepared by Tom! Yummy... I can't wait! Afterward we will be oohing and ahhhing as Chrissy tries on wedding gowns! I can't wait!

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

1 comment:

  1. I miss my Aider-babers and Con-Con!

    I can't wait to see them again Tuesday except that it means we leave EVERYONE (or should I say EVERYCAT) right after.

    -Aaron posted via Mom's computer.
