Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Packing for Buffalo and Taiwan

We are leaving in the morning for Buffalo! We're still getting our things together. Here are some of our bags...

 Although this is a bit stressful double checking to make sure I have everything I need for 30 degree snowy weather in Buffalo and 80 degree super humid weather in Taiwan, I can't wait to just be there. (not really looking forward to 8 hours in the car with 4 meowing cats!)

I'm looking forward to seeing the family too!  We're dress shopping with Chrissy on Saturday and I can't wait!  She's going to be such a beautiful bride!  I just love her!

{Dad Cooke, Aaron, Mom Cooke, Me, Chrissy, Katie} Sasha-not pictured  :-(

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

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