Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Tokyo airport

The flight flew by! Ha! Aaron was able to sleep more than half of the trip, so he's wide awake and on his laptop working already. I slept about 5 hours and am now people watching. I don't think it gets much better than people watching in another country- It's just fabulous!

Oh and here's my snack from the lounge... Vegetable sandwich and a sushi roll with some oolong tea! Mmm...Mmm... Good!

Congee soup

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone


  1. You're already a native! Food looks yummy, keep sending pics of the food, that's my favorite (other than pics of the both of you!!!). Good to hear the trip went well and there was some sleep. Lots of sleeping here, too, Dexter was sleeping with me this morning, and Sasha just watched! In fact, Dexter is coming around right now to say hello. You know Cedric, though, he just can't be bothered. (He, too, is doing well) Love to both of you - we already miss you so much!

  2. I just looked up what Congee soup was, and now I want Congee soup for breakfast too! Sounds delicious!!
