Thursday, December 2, 2010

I channeled my inner Gaga and just danced!

Here is the description for the meditation session I went to on Thursday:  AFRICAN DANCE - a meditation which combines African rhythms and other indigenous music.

I thought this sounded really cool and since I've always wanted to go to a mediation session and try yoga, I decided to go.  I make my trek across town and wait in a room with 5 Taiwanese women who only spoke Chinese.  Luckily the leader was a German man and I was able to ask him questions.  He started 'class' right away and I didn't feel right if I just bailed right after he said we would be dancing while he played this African drum.  So, everyone got in their own space in the room and they started dancing, spinning, humming, yelling, jumping, and moving around as though some strange spirit had taken over their bodies.  WTF?! What was I supposed to do? I'd already paid my money... I also stick out like a sore thumb...there was no sneaking out now... so I channeled my inner Gaga and just danced!  HAHA

The front of the room was a giant mirror, so I could watch myself dance--well I don't know if what I was doing can actually be qualified as dancing. In my head I was laughing at myself and I wouldn't have been surprised if my husband or brother jumped out and said I had just been punked.   The craziest lady was of course behind me and 'danced' into me a few times! She was screaming and making all sorts of noises.
This lasted for an hour!  Yes, I watched myself dance around like a looney person for an entire hour (every 15min we took a break to meditate)!  I guess I was wrong to assume that they would show us some African dance moves. 

After the session, we sat in a circle and shared our experience.  The first woman who spoke asked if anyone had ever hurt themselves in one of these sessions because she felt like throwing herself out of the window.  WTF?!  I definitely did not feel like doing that...

I will say, that it was an interesting experience to let loose and not worry about what others thought.  I knew that I would never see these people again and I just used my inner built up energy and just moved my body to the rhythm.  That was the whole point of the session, right?

Oh man, put this on a list of things I never thought I would have done...

1 comment:

  1. As an actress, I have found myself in this position more times than I would like to admit. Next time, I'd suggest channeling your inner Meryl Streep and faking a twisted ankle.
    Otherwise, I'm very proud of you!
