Wednesday, December 15, 2010


I had lunch at a Teppanyaki restaurant today. It was delicious! Here is a collage of the pictures I took there.

I was so proud of myself that I was able to tell the chef that the food was delicious (all in CHINESE!).  But then, I had to have his response translated...haha! :-)  He asked if I learned anything from his cooking and I said (in CHINESE!!!) 'You are the good teacher and I am the student."  Go me!
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  1. I am so proud of you, Stephanie. All your hard work is paying off! Before you know it, you will be teaching Chinese to others. Go Steph!!

  2. Yay! You will get the hang of it! I am so jealous of your adventures! :)

  3. So, what was it? IT looks yummy!
