Sunday, December 26, 2010

Our first Christmas Taiwan!

Even though we weren't with our families for Christmas (and missed them so much!), we had a wonderful holiday together. Here are a few pictures of our Christmas:

This was the temperature on Christmas day-- too warm!

Here is a video of Santa Clauses marching around the park across from our apartment.  I really don't know what they were doing...  :)

Our Christmas Dinner!  mmm...mmm...the ham and homemade stuffing we made were delicious! We were pretty proud of ourselves...  :)

Check out Cedric on Christmas Day--HAHA! he looks so happy!

I hope everyone had a Merry Christmas!


  1. man.... it was not easy to get him to keep that hat on his head so I could take a picture...

  2. if you think the hat looked good on Cedric, you should have seen the little santa suit...
