Saturday, January 8, 2011

Weekend adventures

Aaron and I make it a point to visit a few attractions each weekend so we can take it all in during the 6 months we are here in Tainan. Here are a few pictures from this weekend's exploration.

We visited the Flower Garden Night Market. (花園夜市) It's the 'younger and more fashionable' night market in Tainan. It's also the largest and most popular one. It was difficult to move around because there were so many people!

Grilled Squid. The fried ones look yummy.

Here I am eating some Calamari on a stick- Yum! I asked for 'yoa yi dian' (a little bit) of spices and it was almost too spicy!

Food for the beloved Hot Pot meal.

Aaron's breakfast at BOA- Breakfast of America.

We took a break from the temples to play around in the park.

This is in every 7/11. I don't think it looks very appetizing and it definitely doesn't smell good either!

Aaron being silly.

My teacher told me that in addition to burning paper money for their ancestors, people also burn paper houses, cars, computers, etc. We walked by a shop where people were building and then selling these items.

Aren't you glad I didn't give you the same weekend recap as I'm giving my teacher Chinese tomorrow morning?

I'm not sure what's on next weekend's agenda, but I'll take as many pictures as possible!

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