Saturday, January 1, 2011

New Year's Celebrations

Happy New Year!!

This is a picture of our neighborhood's power outage. The street lights, Starbucks, and bookstore across the street lost power for over an hour. Our elevator wasn't working and we realized we didn't have any candles and it got dark quick! One hour felt like forever!

This is a picture of "Bio Papper Spray"! haha! It was in a taxi I took yesterday and I just had to take a picture of the misspelling and the crazy looking bad guy on the packaging. :-)

New Year's Day Celebrations
We invited Aaron's colleagues over to celebrate the New Year with us. We grilled burgers and BBQ chicken and had yummy appetizers and pasta salad.  Unfortunately the grill's propane tank was so much smaller than in the US, and we actually ran out of gas in the middle of grilling the burgers!!  What a disaster!  We had to finish the burgers in the kitchen.  They all tasted yummy, so that's all that mattered. We had a really nice time with everyone and their families. Here are some pictures from our party:

This is Anita, her daughter Addison, and Bettie's son Kaiser.

This is Bettie, our real estate agent, and her friend Yuki, an English teacher.

This is Aaron's coworker Eric, Eric's son Benny, and his wife.
 This is Aaron's coworker Alvin.

 This is Aaron's coworker Bryan and his wife Amy.  They are expecting a baby boy in March!

This is Aaron's coworker Anita, her husband Champion, and daughter Addison.

Aaron really enjoyed his cheeseburger!

Benny ate Doritos with chopsticks!!!  LOL

I just had to include to more pictures of Addison and Kaiser--too cute!

I hope everyone had a wonderful 2010 (I know we did!) and here's to an even better 2011! 
It's going to be the year of the Rabbit in February so we'll have another celebration then.  YAY!


  1. Looks like you had a house full, and it looks like everyone was having a wonderful time! The cheeseburger looked great, the apartment looked so festive, and the kids were just the cutest ever! So glad you party was a huge success. Happy New Year!!

  2. ok - so just ignore the spelling mistake!
