Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Buddha-head fruit

We were gifted a basket full of Taiwanese fruits.  The most interesting was this Buddha-head fruit!  They say that these custard apples resembles the Head of Buddha.  What do you think?

You can test the ripeness of the fruit by giving it a bit of a squeeze.  When it's ripe, it will have a little give.  The first few days we had it it was so hard!  Then today, I went to pick it up and it was so soft!  I didn't even need a knife to cut it open!

Here is the inside of the fruit:

There are black seeds in the middle (you don't eat those!).  It's a very sweet and juicy fruit.  My teacher said that it's so sugary that if you eat too many of them you'll get fat!

While I'm posting pictures, here's a picture of my snack today:
CocoPop topped with a little bit of Nutella and slices of banana--YUMMY!

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