Tuesday, January 25, 2011


Thank you everyone for all the wonderful Birthday wishes, cards, and gifts!  I really appreciate your thoughtfulness!

I'm sorry I've been MIA this past week!  I don't really have a good excuse, except that I'm staying busy by exploring the city.  I met a girl from Nashville (of all places!) and we've been to a few new places in Tainan. It's cool that I'm now the person to show someone around town. AND helping with a bit of Chinese!! ;-)  After 2.5 months here, I'm happy that there is still so much to see and do.  Plus I still have the rest of the country to experience...yay! 

We are actually in Taichung right now.  Aaron had to come here for business, so I tagged along to see what Taichung has to offer.  I REALLY like it so far!  It's so different from Tainan, which was pretty surprising to me. Tainan was the old capital and is really known for its history, traditional food, and culture, whereas Taichung is a city with high rises, modern shops, ethnic food, large museums, and a night life.  :-)  Taichung is the 3rd largest city in Taiwan.

When I finish taking pictures tomorrow, I'll be sure to post them!

1 comment:

  1. Yay for new pics. Sounds like there's lots of exciting exploring to do! Have a great time, and don't forget to fill in all your fans. We love going on vacation with you!
