Thursday, February 3, 2011

Girl's Day Out

Jennifer and Sabrina invited me to go shopping with them today. Many stores were still closed for the holiday, so we went to a large department store.  We had a late lunch...(which was Yammy!--hehe... mispelled signs everywhere in the food court!)

...and then after a bit more shopping, we realized it was already 5:30!  We set out to look for a specific tea house, but after about 30minutes of walking we found out it was closed.

We back tracked and went down this beautiful alley with many little shops and stands.  I've only been here during the day and thought that it looked just as nice lit up.  There were still many Chinese New Year decorations and lanterns.

We stopped and had some yummy traditional Tofu Pudding.  This had red beans, peanuts, and 'pearls'.

Jennifer loves sunglasses!

New Year's wishes printed on rabbit cutouts. 

This picture of the lanterns doesn't even do them justice!  They looked really cool!

Jennifer and I are standing in front of the Confucious Temple sign. (I think!)

Jennifer and Sabrina

We had such a nice day walking around and shopping!  :-)

Tomorrow I'll be going to the mountains with Bettie and Yuki to visit with Bettie's mother for the New Year.  I feel honored that I was invited!


  1. The soup looks so good, I could go for a bowl right now! And you found some flowers, just like in Germany! I'm so glad you had a fun day and evening, just remember - don't have too much fun tat you forget to come back home to the US!!!

  2. Wow what a beautiful place. Have you considered professional travel photographer? Your pictures are amazing! Have fun on your next adventure.

    PS Thank you for not getting mad that I used your blog in my homework, I just thought it was really well done and fun to look at.

  3. Becky--the soup was good! And I'm getting really good with the chopsticks that it only seems logical to eat the chunky parts of soup with them! haha!

    Vanessa--I would like to get a really great camera and learn more about photography. Just for fun though!
    Tell everyone about the blog because if I know others are reading this then I will write and post more often!
